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Welcome to Black Otter Books!

My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the King: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. -Psalm 45:1 (KJV)

If you are looking for Phoebe Hinkle - whether you're a friend, an enemy, or a random visitor - this is the website where I list all my books. At this point, I am currently unable to sell directly from this site. However, I do have descriptions of all my books, and a page with fun supplemental materials. If you are interested in buying one of my books, there is a link for each one to the appropriate page.

I will try to update this website as frequently as possible, but no guarantees. Updates will probably be most frequent on the News page, but that depends on how much news I have. Please check back often, or let me know if you want to be notified of site updates. Also, since this is my first website built with Adobe Dreamweaver, it's likely to change a bit as I learn more about web design. :)

Brian Jacques quote My cat Pitter Patter


To Stand

Newest Title: To Stand
Published April 20th

Darkness . . . Fear . . . Death.
Valleyfair is no longer the peaceful city it once was. A distant war is raging, taxes are high, and soldiers march through the streets every night. Lord Darkon's castle, on the cliffs above the city,stands as a grim reminder of the tyranny that rules the land of Veridon. To resist means death.
And yet a small group of outlaws are willing to put their lives on the line to stand against evil. Rhys, Shara, Killian, and Raven are ready to sacrifice themselves if need be, so that others can live and worship freely.
As Lord Darkon's net of oppression draws tighter, their world crumbles rapidly around them. Can they find the strength to rise and stand in the face of disaster?



To Stand Release Day! 🥳

The day is finally here, y'all! I've been waiting for a long time (at least it feels like it) to share this with you, and now at last To Stand is being released to the world!

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