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To Stand Release Day! 🥳

April 20th, 2024

The day is finally here, y'all! I've been waiting for a long time (at least it feels like it) to share this with you, and now at last To Stand is being released to the world!

To Stand . . . the book that almost broke me as an author. And I'm not kidding. So often I felt like giving up, not just on this book, but my writing career in general. It took me over a year of literal sweat and tears (but not literal blood, just literary XD) to finally get this from beginning idea to finished project. Which really isn't a long time, all things considered, but often it felt like a real struggle. But it was SO worth it, because now it's a good story that I really love.

Sometimes people ask me how I got the idea for a book, and I'm not always sure. But in this case, I do know. I was in the shower (the best time for ideas lol) when a few lines of a song popped into my head. I thought "Hey, this is cool, it sounds like it could be part of a story" . . . and the ideas totally mushroomed from there over the weekend. I started writing it shortly thereafter during a trip, and finished the whole thing (my longest book to date) in just over 2 months.

Much thanks to God, my family, proofreaders, and friends for helping me, putting up with me, and encouraging me to the end.

So with that all said, y'all, please enjoy this story . . . my early readers have really liked it so far, and I hope you will too. 🙂 And once you've read it, I actually created a quiz so you can see which of the characters you are!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Character Introductions: The Broken Exile

April 19th, 2024


"I could not serve a heartless monster like you. I'd sooner die."


Five years ago, Rhys's life was shattered by an unforeseen tragedy. Now, scarred inside and out, he struggles on, doing his best to live normally. Though they don't know his past, his friends are good for him . . . and in turn, he'd give his life to protect them. He may be a tough warrior, but he does care deeply about others.

Since Rhys is the main character, I spent a lot of time in his head - and yeah, I love him. Any questions for my precious cinnamon roll?

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Character Introductions: The Abbey Maid

April 17th, 2024


"I'm here to help you and support you however I can. I feel like I belong with you all."


Although Shara has zero experience with being a warrior, she's willing to make sacrifices for those she cares about. A sensitive, loving heart, she tries to show others Emmanuel's love through her actions. Some might think her weak, but she's not; El Shaddai is her strength, and through Him she'll do anything for her friends.

Do you think anything will happen to Shara? And will she be prepared if it does? You can ask her what she thinks; she's a little shy, but she'll answer.

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Character Introductions: The Snarky Swordsman

April 15th, 2024


"I'll live . . . until they kill me."


It's hard to be gloomy with Killian around. The red-haired Elven always has a wide grin or a snarky quip ready. Sure, it gets him in trouble sometimes, but what else do you use a ready wit for? Don't let his joking nature fool you, though; he's a loyal friend, and deadly with that long rapier of his.

Do you know anyone like Killian? He'd sure be a fun person to have in your life! If you have anything you want to ask him, he'll probably tease you but answer eventually.

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Character Introductions: The Back-Alley Fighter

April 13th, 2024


"But I haven't forgotten. He'll regret it someday, I swear he will."


It's hard to gain Raven's trust. Street-wise and a bit cynical, she'd rather be in some dark corner by herself than associating with others. She knows every corner and back alleyway in the city of Valleyfair, and she won't hesitate to defend herself in a knife fight. She speaks her mind openly, except when it comes to personal matters. On that she's silent.

But even a cold, closed heart contains secrets, and hers is no exception . . .

What secrets is Raven hiding? Do you think you could be friends in real life? If you have questions for her, I'll try to make her answer them . . . she won't be happy, but too bad for her. 😜

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Character Introductions: The Crafty Rascal

April 11th, 2024

I don't know about you, but for me often what makes or breaks a book is the characters. And as an author, the more invested I am in the charries, the more likely it is to be a good story. So to get y'all more excited for To Stand's release (because I hope you're at least a little excited already!) I've decided to do a fun thing. Every other day leading up to the release (the 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, and 19th) I'm going to be posting a brief character sketch (spoiler-free!) with a faceclaim to pique your interest. So, shall we get started?


"Sorry, but it's fun." The man's teeth shone in the dim light of a nearby window as he grinned. "I like making you mad."


As his name implies, Smoke is a slippery one. Stealthy and cunning, he steals in and out of the shadows with ease. He may be watching you without you ever knowing he's there.

But he's a good one to have on your side. He can get you places you can't go on your own, and he's only too ready to help a friend in need. Just be prepared for lots of teasing, impish grins, and trips to the kitchen - because he loves his food. Also a word of warning: don't play cards with him.

What do you think of Smoke? What role is he going to play in the story? Feel free to email me with comments, or ask Smoke a question - he loves the attention!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Tentative Release Date and COVER REVEAL

March 30th, 2024

Hello friends!!

I've got exciting news . . . though you may have already seen it by now, since I'm a wee bit behind. 😆 Yes, I'm talking about my latest title, To Stand .

I know, I've been talking about it for a while now, and keeping it *sort of* under wraps. But the time has come (finally!) where I can reveal it to the world.

Potential release date (subject to change by a week) is Saturday, April 20th. The Kindle version is available for preorder now!

And about that cover reveal . . .

To Stand cover

Book 1, Phoebs?

Oh yeah. This is a series, folks! Lord willing, Book 2 will be coming out this year . . . or maybe in '25. You never know what my life is gonna bring. 😉

That's all for now! Y'all excited? Stay tuned for more news, and if you've got friends who might like it, spread the word!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Five Years of Writing and GIVEAWAY WINNERS!!

December 13th, 2023

Five years ago on this day, I hit "Publish" to send my first book out into the world. And it's sure been a wild, crazy ride!

I was 15 then.
I am 20 now.
I have learned a lot since then.

I learned writing techniques that I never knew before.
I learned that characters can become like family to you - and that they can surprise you in ways you never saw coming.
I learned that you can't ignore your real family for the sake of your charrie family.
I learned that writing can be the best way to express your pain and work through what you're feeling.
I learned that you can't write in your own strength.

There are so many people I could thank. My family - my friends - my proofing team - my readers - and above all, my God.
You are the reason I am here today.
You are the reason I keep going.
I couldn't have done this without you.

Okay Phoebs, that's all very nice, but can we get on to the giveaway winners please? I want to find out if I got lucky!
*Ahem* yes, sorry.
*drum roll please*
And the lucky winners are . . .

King of Hearts: Liesl K.
The Treasure Beyond: Jared M.
Thunder of Time + wooden Roman dagger: Gemma S.

Congratulations, y'all! 🥳
I'll be emailing the winners today to notify them. If everything goes well, they can expect their books to be in the mail within the week.

And that's all the excitement for this post. Thanks for putting up with me!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


5-Year Anniversary Giveaway!

November 14th, 2023

Y'all, I have exciting news. Next month, December 13th, marks five years since I first became a published author. Time for celebration, right??

So! I'm going to do something I've never done before, and run a giveaway. I'll be giving away three prizes:
-One (1) autographed copy of King of Hearts
-One (1) autographed copy of The Treasure Beyond
-One (1) grand prize, autographed copy of Thunder of Time with a wooden Roman-style dagger, made by my friend SFC.

wooden Roman dagger
(And let me tell y'all, she does awesome work! I have a dagger she made based on Bonnie's in The Treasure Beyond, and it is just gorgeous.)

The giveaway will be open now through December 12th, and winners will be announced on the 13th.

So the obvious question becomes . . . how do I enter, Phoebs? It's pretty simple, since I decided not to go through the bother of setting up a Rafflecopter account. Email me through my website with your name and email address, and please make sure to put "Giveaway" in the subject line. On December 13th, I will randomly choose one winner for each prize! (Your information will be kept strictly private, I promise. At the moment, I don't have an email newsletter, but if I start one in the future, I will add you to that mailing list unless you request otherwise.)

(But Phoebs, what if I already have the books? Well, it's Christmas season, right? And books make awesome gifts!)

Make sure you enter by December 12th! And please - please, PLEASE - pass the word along! Indie authors like me rely on word-of-mouth, so if you know someone who might be interested, tell them about it. Enjoy and stay safe!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Updates 'n' Stuff

August 29th, 2023

It's almost September, which means another chapter of Lou & Marik, right? Well, unfortunately, I've come to the end of the chapters I'd written ahead of time. That means I'd have to sit down and write the next chapter now. And . . . I just don't have the time or mental capacity at the moment.

See, there's this thing called Life. Or, more specifically, college. My classes are all online, but still. I'm under a lot of stress and really struggling with burnout. I don't get much sleep anymore, and I'm having a hard time meeting deadlines. (I know, I sound pathetic. I don't mean to be whiny, but it feels like I have a lot being dumped on me right now. Bear with me please. :)

But there is some good (sort of?) news in all of this. I've been working as much as I can on To Stand, though I'm still in first edits. It needed a lot of rewrites: scenes taken out, added, reworked, etc . . . a lot of work, but I really am enjoying getting back to these dear charries. :) At this point, it looks like it'll probably be published late '23 or early '24.

And there's other news. I'm now on Goodreads (finally!) so you can now follow me and ask me questions on there. Also, 307 Made (the store downtown where I'm selling copies of King of Hearts) is celebrating their 2-year anniversary this weekend! There'll be door prizes and specials on items, so hop in and enjoy the fun!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Book Migration

July 15th, 2023

For the last book I published, I decided to use Amazon KDP instead of Lulu, and I'm so glad I did. Once I figured out their system, it was so much easier to work with, and less expensive to order author copies. With that said, I've been putting this off for a while, but I finally migrated King of Hearts and The Treasure Beyond over to Amazon. This means that they'll now be printed and shipped by KDP (and it means I won't have to charge as much for selling them at live events).

I also took the opportunity to redesign King of Hearts. The old cover was hand-drawn, which worked fine at the time. But looking at it later, after I'd learned more about cover design, I had to admit that it wasn't the greatest. It just looked amateur - not the kind of cover that would make me grab the book and say "Ooh! Must read!!" (Um, yeah. I'm drawn to epic covers . . . and yes, I do sometimes talk like that when I'm excited.) I also resized it - it had previously been 6"x9", instead of 8"x5" like my others. I prefer the smaller size, in part because it fits on bookshelves better, and it also makes the book look fatter. And I'm all for fat books. :) I changed The Treasure Beyond's cover a bit too; got a better quality image for the front, and played around with the back some.

Check out the new cover for King of Hearts! Looks much more professional, doesn't it? ;)

old cover new cover

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!



July 6th, 2023

Hello y'all! I looked at the calendar yesterday, and promptly freaked out at the realization that it was July and I'd forgotten to post a Lou & Marik™ chapter. Lol. I've been highly distracted recently with multiple books (both writing and editing), as well as trying to figure out college stuff for the fall. Never mind the fact that my brain is normally a disorderly wreck. XD

Anyways, I've posted that installment today. This story's been an interesting journey, but it's winding down to a close (I'm guessing there's only about two or three more chapters left). There's a lot of work that goes into posting it monthly, besides just writing the chapter. So I plan to get the crew back to Armir and then sign off. Don't worry, the chapters will still be available for you to read afterwards - and I may write more adventures for them sometime in the future. *wink wink* Thanks for following along with them (and for having patience with me)!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Price Update

May 25th, 2023

Howdy y'all! This is just a quick update to let you know that Amazon will be increasing print prices for books in the next month. Unfortunately, that means list prices will also be going up, to maintain the same royalty rate. I'll be doing a price update some time in June. Save a few denarii and make sure to snag your copy of Thunder of Time before June 20th, when prices go up!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Broken Characters

May 8th, 2023

". . . it was all I could do to get up in the morning, knowing I'd face another day of misery."
~Rhys Carnahan,
To Stand

Broken things have always held an attraction for me, whether it's a broken toy, worn-out clothes, or a broken heart. I just want to take them, turn them in my hands, and give them new life by fixing what's wrong. Part of that might be the big sister in me, the protective instinct that wants to take care of things.

So it should come as no surprise that, in fiction, the broken characters are some of my favorites. Characters like Ben-Hur, Ilyon Chronicles' Jace Ilvaran, or Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (the Disney movie that is, I haven't read the book). Characters that are dark and brooding, struggling to live with their past, while trying to cope with the present. These are the characters that resonate with me, that make my heart ache, that I wish I could wrap in a hug and assure them that everything will be all right. (Read Isaiah 61:1-3. These verses sum up what I often long to do.)

Because we all, at one point or another, have struggled with some kind of brokenness in our lives. Maybe it's the loss of a loved one, the haunting shadows of past actions, or just the rat race of daily life. All these things can wear us down, making us wonder if there is any hope in the end. Trust me, friend, there is. Read on. ^-^

In To Stand, my current WIP, Rhys Carnahan begins the story as a broken young man, worn down by the things that happened to him four years ago. He's tried to rise above them and go on with life, but it's a continual struggle. The scar on his face reminds him of that, every time he looks at it.

But there is hope, though he's battered and bruised. To El Shaddai, the greatest Healer, no one is hopeless.

A dear friend of mine sent me the lyrics to the song "Worn", by Tenth Avenue North. Reading them, I was struck by how much it reminded me of Rhys, and all that he goes through. The song is melancholy, but at the same time there's hope to it.

Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That You can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I wanna know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
'Cause I'm worn

(Copyright ©Tenth Avenue North.)

To Stand is a dark book. I knew it would be. But even in the midst of the darkness, there's still hope. There is always hope, because God's still on the throne.

Dear friend, if you're feeling broken today, don't despair. Look to the One who sees all and knows what you're feeling. Cry out to Him, and He can heal you and give you the peace and joy you didn't even know was possible.

I'll leave you with another quote from Rhys (this one comes later on, towards the end of the book):

"I can tell you’re hurting, though you probably don’t want to admit it.  I know the old memories are painful, and your wounds will take a long time to heal.  But there’s One who can heal both body and soul.  I know . . . because I met Him."

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


All the Things!

April 8th, 2023

Great seasons, how could I have put off this news for so long?! (Because I'm a highly distracted procrastinator, that's how. :P) But anyways, let's begin, shall we? Because all three (yes, I said THREE) updates I'm sharing today are super exciting!!!

Okay, so first of all . . . autographed copies of King of Hearts are now available at 307 Made in downtown Cheyenne. This is a cute little store that sells homemade products from local crafters (and authors too, obviously). I like stopping in there after music lessons, because you never know what you might find that you can't live without. (Like the little resin bunny I got last time - I'm continually swamped by plot bunnies, so I figured it was appropriate. :D) But I digress. If you're looking for a good gift for someone (or for yourself!) go head downtown and pick up a copy! (Shameless self-promotion. :D)

Next . . . in early February this year, our family went to the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum in Crawfordsville, Indiana. (If you've ever checked out my About page, then chances are you know Ben-Hur ranks among my favorite books.) The lady who gave us the tour was very helpful and friendly, and I told her about Thunder of Time, because (SPOILER) Judah Ben-Hur and some members of his family appear as supporting characters in it. (Ben-Hur actually plays a fairly large role.) Their exhibit theme this year is about how Ben-Hur has influenced material culture, so I sent them a copy of Thunder of Time. And yesterday morning, I got an email from Mrs. King (our tour guide) with this picture of one of their display cases!

display case
(Eep! How cool is that?)

Now, last but not least . . . you know how I talked about that top-secret WIP of mine? Well, I'm thrilled to announce that I officially finished writing it at 9:15 a.m. on April 3rd. Two months, one day from start to finish. 107 Word pages and almost 46K words. I've broken my record!!!!! :DDD

First draft has gone out to my proofing team for the initial edit. My brother finished reading it already . . . and hasn't given me his opinion yet.

And yes, it DOES have a title! That title is . . .

To Stand teaser image
(Thanks for the sword photo, RC! :D)

To Stand. The title comes from Ephesians 6:13 - "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." This verse and the one preceding it sort of sum up the theme of the book.

So! Stay posted for news on its progress, tell your friends (and your enemies, in-laws, outlaws, etc.), and let me know if you're interested in spreading the word!

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


I'm Still Alive!

March 26th, 2023

Hello y'all! I realize I haven't been active for a while, and some of you may be wondering . . . Where is she? Did her brain explode? Was she kidnapped by a revengeful character? Did she get eaten by the scary, author-devouring monster known as Life?

Rest assured, my friends, I am still very much alive and well. (Though the state of my mind may be a different question . . .) A cleaning job, slowly reading through my TBR pile, and a couple crazy trips to Kentucky have all kept me busy. However, you'll be glad to know that I've been busiest with writing a new book.

Phoebs! You're doing your job! Good for you!

*grins sheepishly* Yes, I am. This top-secret WIP is officially my longest book to date, with 38K words so far (and I'm pretty sure I can get over 40K, because I still have to write the awesome epic finish). I know, not that long by some standards (think Tolkien, Brian Jacques, etc.), but I'm still improving. :) And let me tell y'all, this book makes me ridiculously happy. The characters are so real to me - especially a certain cinnamon roll that totally stole my heart. ♥ (Yep, I love my cinnamon rolls. Favorite kind of character EVER!) Also, I did a lot of planning before I actually started writing the story, so it's richer, deeper, and much more organized than my others.

*cough* Excuse me, Phoebs? Will you stop giving us these tantalizing hints? We want something concrete!

Oh, sorry, Invisible Annoying Reader. ;P I can't give away too many details yet. But I will say this - if all goes well, I should be releasing the title sometime in the next month. I'm hoping to be able to do more to prepare for the release this time (like special posts, character spolights, and the like). If you'd like to be updated on the process, or help spread the word, please drop me a line and let me know! We authors can't do our job without the help of fans. :)

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Phoebs Has a New Look

February 16th, 2023

For a while now, I've been trying to find a picture that I can use for my author profile pic. I wanted something that looked like me, without actually posting a picture of myself. (For whatever reason, I have reservations about putting my face out on the Internet.) I would've used a picture of my cat (because he is my best writing buddy), but there are some problems with that. First of all, he looks nothing like me. (Fortunately.) Second, he doesn't do the story-writing (even if he does walk over my keyboard once in a while). So, while my little "dark overlord" certainly deserves a place of his own in my writer's kingdom, I knew I didn't want to use him for my profile picture.

My cat Pitter Patter
(I mean, look at that baby! Isn't he the sweetest dark overlord/writing buddy ever?)

I'd toyed with the idea of using a picture of myself, but mostly obscuring my face behind my hair, a feathery pen, or (surprise, surprise) a book. But every time I tried to set something up, the results didn't look as good in real life as they did in my mind. (Come to think of it, that's a pretty common occurrence with me.) I also thought about drawing a self-portrait, either with digital art or traditional mediums. Heh - no. I'm pretty much never satisfied with self-portraits.

And then, one of my friends sent me a really awesome picture. It reminded me of Bonnie, or of a certain character in the planned sequel to The Treasure Beyond. (Which I do want to write at some point. I even started working on it . . . I'm just a wee bit distracted with other projects at the moment. ;)

I was thinking about it last night, and I realized that it also looks sort of like me. So this morning I took it into Photoshop, played around with it a little, and . . . voilá!

author picture

I know, it's not perfect. I don't dress like that in real life (the closest I get is for costume parties), and my hair's not quite that wavy. (Sadnesss!) But hey, I think it looks pretty good - and so much better than anything I could've done myself. (And I LOVE the knife! So pretty! I'll admit it; I have a small - okay, a big - obsession with cool blades. Nothing dangerous, just a little . . . weird. But being an author makes me weird anyways, so hey. :)

So, long story short, I now have a new "official" author picture. I have it set as the avatar on my Amazon profile, and I updated the picture on the About page.

(And not to worry, I am still working on writing. I felt a bit lost at first after publishing Thunder of Time, but then some new characters waltzed into my life and grabbed on to my heart. I'm currently working on a couple different books, one of which is promising to be longer than my other stories. Here's hoping!)

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


Behind the Scenes: The Story of a Song

January 29th, 2023

Hello again, y'all! I'm back with a post some of you may find interesting - a little glimpse of what went on behind the pages of Thunder of Time. Anybody else love behind-the-scenes stuff? I do - whether it's movies, Lego© shorts, cover designs, or anything else. It's all awesome. :)

Anyways! This is a true story of something that happened to me while I was working on writing the final chapters of Thunder of Time (which I often call the "Troy story"). WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

So my brother was at the orthodontist's, and I had tagged along because, well, our orthodontist is an hour away. And we were going to see friends afterwards. And go to Bricks & Minifigs®. So while he was in the back (I forget what they were doing to him), I was sitting out in the lobby, typing away on my trusty laptop. (Person working on a laptop at the orthodontist's - totally normal, right? :D) Unfortunately, that's not the most conducive environment for writing. Because the radio. Is usually playing 80's music or annoying country songs. (No offense to any of my readers who may enjoy country music.) So here I was, trying to concentrate on a truly EPIC scene in my story, and feeling highly distracted and a bit frustrated because I wasn't getting very far.

And then, over the radio, I heard it: "The Final Countdown", by the Swedish rock band Europe. I had never really liked the song before - I found it annoying, especially when one of my fellow homeschool soccer players used to sing it during the last five minutes of each game. BUT - it was absolutely PERFECT for the scene I was trying to write. I sat there, grinning, reveling in the feel of the perfect song paired with the perfect scene. Because - the scene I was trying to write - the one I'd been having trouble with - was the scene in Chapter XVII (aka 17) where Troy and Regina are about to face the lion.

(You know, that scene?)

So, long story short, I now like "The Final Countdown", because I associate it with the Arena scene. I've put a link to it on the Extras page - it's only a 30-second sample, but it gets the idea across. If you want to hear the full song, look it up yourself. :)

I created a new section on the Extras page just for music. In addition to "The Final Countdown", there's links to some other pieces that I found inspirational or that I associate with my books. Give 'em a listen! :)

The Final Countdown - 30-second sample

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


The Long-Awaited "Roman Epic"!

January 21st, 2023

I did it! I met my first-ever release date, and Thunder of Time has been loosed on the world! In the past, I've published my books through Lulu, but recently they've been getting pretty frustrating to work with (excessive shipping costs, inconsisent product quality, etc). So this time I took the plunge and switched to Amazon KDP. So glad I did! It cost me only $6 to order a proof copy, as opposed to $10 for ordering a proof copy from Lulu. Lots of thanks to HSLDA's Vicki Bentley, for encouraging me to make the switch!

(Why am I saying all this? To warn any budding authors: If you want to use Lulu, buyer beware!)

So, just how long did it take me? I started writing this story in mid-July - it came as a flash of inspiration after looking at the full moon (which, by the way, was called the Super Thunder Moon. You see where I got the title?) I wrote "The End" (I hadn't yet changed it to "Finis") on the evening on September 22nd (which happens to be Hobbit Day. Has nothing to do with the book, just one of my Random Useless Facts). Proofing, editing, graphics, and "everything else" took place through early January. I finished the final review and uploaded the files to KDP on the 17th.

Now comes the obvious question: Is the book any good? Wellllll, I'm probably not the best person to ask (heh heh), but it you should have seen my family's reactions to the story. When I gave them the full first draft of it, my mom squealed. (She does that whenever I give her a new story. It's so cute. :) ) My brother, who was extremely suspicious of it from the beginning, admitted that "you surprised me" and that he liked it after all. But I think my best commendation so far is from my dad. He stayed up until midnight reading it. That is . . . unusual.

I've spent the past half-year with these characters, and now Troy and Regina are like really good friends to me. They're special to me in different ways; Troy was a lot of fun to write, but Regina has aspects of my personality written into her, and sometimes her thoughts and emotions mirror what I was going through at the time. Several of the supporting characters were also very fun to come up with, and I still laugh every time I read over the parts with them (I'm thinking of Maxcillus and Luda). I'm super happy to be releasing them into the world, but at the same time it's also sad to say goodbye. Though I guess it's really not goodbye, since they'll still be with me in my mind and my heart. (Note to any bloggers: If you want to interview any of my characters, let me know and I'll see if I can get them to cooperate.)

What happens now? I always feel sort of lost after I publish a book, kind of like Nancy Drew after she's solved a mystery. But, like Nancy Drew, there are always more adventures just around the corner. I've got several stories I began and haven't finished, as well as ideas that haven't made it onto paper yet.

I know in a previous post I said I might have an online celebration for the realease of Thunder of Time. Unfortunately that's not going to happen, because I'm not on Facebook, and I'm super busy right now trying to prepare for a trip next month. :(

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


New Video and Updates

January 9th, 2023

I started the new year off right with another Lego© promo video! I know some of you have been waiting (whether patiently or otherwise) for this to come out, and I'm happy to report that you can now watch it. My brother and I had a lot of fun building the sets, props, and people, and finding the right music and sound effects for it. Like my books, there are a few private jokes worked into it (especially that one scene in the marketplace).

Okay, okay, enough talking about it. Here's the link, which I've also put on the revised Extras page. (Yes, I've been revising things. I figured I didn't need to split up all my extra materials - especially since I wasn't coming up with much - so I just consolidated it all on one page.)

Any questions? Feel free to contact me and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can!


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